Leveres i svart eller brun, størrelse 1 eller 2
Pris kr 17.800,-
En svært myk og god sal i saueskinn. Samme oppbygning med VPS trykkfordeling som de andre Barefoot modellene. Bruker kort dressurgjord og leveres som standard med wide fremsvissel.
Totallengde S1 er ca 53 cm og S2 er ca 57 cm.
S1 anbefales for rytter med buksestr ca 36 - 40 damer og ca 44 - 48 menn.
S2 anbefales for rytter med buksestr ca 42 - 46 damer og ca 50 - 54 menn.
Mer info om størrelser finner du på vår info side her: Info Barefoot
Denne salen har utskiftbar framsvissel for maksimal tilpassing for hest og rytter. Velg salstørrelse etter egen buksestr. Pga. at disse salene er helt uten fast bom vil de passe på de aller fleste hester. Salen leveres med fremsvissel i str Wide. Oversikt over fremsvissler og måleskjema du kan skrive ut for å finne rett fremsvissel finner du her:http://www.barefoot-saddle.de/shop/out/pictures/wysiwigpro/pdf/measuring_template.pdf
Barefoot Lazy Mountain skal brukes sammen med en spesiell pad, som sikrer tilstrekkelig ryggradsfrihet. Til denne salen så passer Arizonapaden best. Du kan lese mer om disse padene her.
Oversikt over Barefoot tilbehør finner du her: Barefoot tilbehør
Comfortable for horse AND rider! The Barefoot model 'Lazy Mountain' was developed after listening to rider's feedback, who wanted a sheepskin saddle that would not cause problems for the horse's back but one that also offered the comfort of a genuine sheepskin saddle. The structures of the 'Happy Valley' corresponds to our proven Barefoot saddles: The saddle offers the same protection for the horse and the same flexibility. The integrated VPS system protects the horse's back from pressure points and saddle adapts to the horse's movement to allow muscle development instead of bruising of the muscles. It is therefore possible to use this saddle just as normal with leathers or fenders without any restrictions. For all riders who want to feel safe in the saddle without feeling restricted! The 'Happy Valley' offers even more comfort for the rider: The seat is super soft with the large incorporated foam padding ensuring such a secure, embedded seat for the rider that he will not want to get off. The saddle offers more than support, it 'surrounds' the rider softly and securely - a fantastic feeling! A soft, anatomically shaped cushion is secured (velcro) under the genuine sheepskin seat. This makes the seat even more comfortable and easier on the hips as it gives the saddle more of a twist ensuring the rider does not sit too wide. The underside is made of a thick fleece. The saddle has 4 D-rings. The fork insert (comes with wide insert) can be exchanged. High-quality conchas with leather strings for decoration and to attach the sheepskin seat to the saddle base. We have a specially devised rigging system on this saddle: Two girth straps run through and over padding made of soft leather to avoid coat irritation or even worse pressure points on the sensitive belly. Dressage girth is required. The fork (size wide) can be exchanged as with all Barefoots saddles.
Barefoot Saddles are handmade. Each saddle is unique. All figures are estimates
minor differences are possible.
Please note: The length of saddle (A) is the overall length. Since there is no pressure at all in the rear part, the horse can move freely. Even if the saddle looks a little too long on your horse, choose the size according to your measurements. It is very important that the saddle fits the rider well, so he has enough space between thighs and pommel and does not sit on the pommel or cantle, which would limit the saddle's adaptability. The horse's back is free of any pressure at the rear – the Barefoot can even be lifted slightly at the cantle with a rider on board.