La hesten bære når du skal på tur:
Barefoot Backpack Walk-My-Horse™ Universal rimelig lettvektskløv som kan tilpasses de fleste hester fra shetlandsponni og opp til de aller største hestene.
Pris for komplett sett Backpack kr 2240,-
Regntrekk med refleks kr 190,-

Vi har fått utrolig mange fine tilbakemeldinger på denne, og fikk også dette fine bildet av islandshest med ny kløv idag.

Hei, vil bare takke for den fine kløven. Passet helt perfekt til min lille islandshest Starri som nå kan være med å bære litt på tur :-)
WalkMyHorse fra Barefoot.
Dette skriver de om denne selv:
Innovation! New to the horse market!
Walking with your horse is important to establish trust. During a walk to discover new things together – while allowing your horse to learn about horse/human partnership and extend your ground work. It’s especially good for young horses to learn to walk on the trail. There is much to explore - the more we do this from the ground with our horses, the safer they become under saddle.
For these walks and for pack horses we have come up with a great bag, with plenty of storage space, two large pockets, a bottle holder, GPS pocket, map pocket, straps for coats or blankets, etc…
The backpack, Walk-My-Horse™ has a removable, washable bottom (similar to a saddle pad), which is fastened with Velcro and is padded to support the spine.
It is fastened with a V-girthing system, allowing lots of room. It has a chest strap at the front and a waist belt in the middle - both with integrated elastic band and keepers for the strap.
The advantages at a glance:
• ideal for young horses, they get used to weight on their back for the first time
• ideal for hand-led horses that will carry only light weight
• ideal for older horses that should not be ridden, but enjoy long walks
• 9 pockets, some with a zipper or clip closure
• 4 straps, which attach the rear or front
• elastic V-rigging
• reflectors provide security in poor light
Finished with 600D nylon fabric with polyurethane coating, which is great for outdoor use because it is strong and water-and stain-resistant.
Tip: The backpack fits on Shetland ponies and large horses. The straps can be cut easily. To avoid slipping, the luggage should be distributed evenly. We recommend: The mobile phone is always on the body of the rider, not to the horse!
Washing tip: base can be removed and washed separately at 30° in the machine. After washing, pull into shape.
Matching raincoat with reflective stripes available.
Product protected by design patent
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